Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sweet Potato Hash Browns

These are an absolute favorite of mine and I have served them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are the easiest side dish to make and require very few ingredients!


2- large sweet potatoes (you can use american yams as well)
2- tablespoons of Ghee (Clarified Butter)
8 - stocks of green onion chopped (optional)
salt and pepper

Using a cheese grater grate the sweet potatoes (should yield 3-4 cups of loose packed potato). Heat up a 10" pan to medium-high and drop in your butter. Once the butter is completely melted swirl it around in the pan so that it is even. Drop in the sweet potatoes and the green onion. Add salt and pepper, and sauté the potatoes until they are well browned and cooked thoroughly.

Serve and Enjoy!

Great with eggs in the morning, or as a side dish to any meal! Love them!

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